
Central Electric Grids Branch of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” carried out repairs works and put into operation the complex distribution device in normal regime at 110/10/6 kV “Krasnyie Gorki” substation located at the North-East of the capital.


It shall be mentioned that on August 13, as a result of the extremely high temperatures the failure of the automatics occurred and thus, the burning was initiated at the complex distribution device (CDD) of 10 kV at the substation. As a result of the good work of power engineers and EMERCOM members, the fire was liquidated during shortest possible time, and the power supply of the consumers was restored.

During the implemented repair works they carried out the dismantling of failed equipment, and installed the new CDD sections of 10 kV with vacuum switches, direct current system works were also carried out. Т-1 damaged power transformer was substituted by the reserve one. They carried out the substitution of the capacity limiters of 110, 10 and 6 kV and particularly reconstructed the transformer busses. They implemented the necessary face-lift in CDD room.


Sergey Litvinov, Chief Engineer of Central Electric Grids, mentioned the good work of the colleagues, “Equipment repairs was implemented with good quality and in shortest possible term and that’s why I would like to sincerely thank those who took part in them. Especially, I would like to mention the well coordinated work of Moscow Cable Grids teams of RETO factory and contractor organizations. I am grateful to specialists of Northern Electric grids open distribution devices, as well as the representatives of all industrial services of the Central grids. I would like to say special thank you word to JSC “MOESK” executive office management for the help in works organization”.

“Krasnyie Gorki” substation carries out the transmission of the electric power to the city vitally important objects and social sphere objects as well the housing complex of Severniy and Dolgoprudniy villages, and other socially important objects of the North-Eastern administrative division of Moscow.