
During the modernization of 110/6 kV feeding centre at “Sosny” in the city of Kolomna, Eastern Electric Grids branch of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” put into operation the new power transformer of 110 kV with the capacity of 40 МVА.

According to the comments of Pavel Orlov, Capital Construction Department Deputy Head of the Branch, after the installation at the newly equipped site and adjustment, Т-2 new transformer was connected to power . After 72 hours of work under load the complex testing of the aggregate will be completed. The transition of loads to the new power transformer will help to start dismantling of the second transformer T-1 requiring the substitution.

We shall remind that the substation reconstruction started in December of the past year suggested the complex of the large scale works at the end f which the total substation capacity will increase 1,6 fold. First of all, this is the substitution of two transformers of 25 МVА each to more powerful ones of 40 МVА. As well, they are going to modernize the high voltage equipment of the feeding centre. According to the technical policy of the power company, they will install the most modern high voltage equipment in the closed distribution device of 110kV: three SF6 switches, microprocessor-based protections, new accumulator battery, transformers of current and capacity, capacity limiters and other. The reconstruction is carried out in conditions of the current substation work: the transmission of power is constant and all the consumers get the failure free power.


The modernization of the feeding centre is carried out within the framework of JSC “MOESK” investment program implementation according to the technological connection agreement with JSC “Shchurovskiy cement”.


“Currently, the factory is implementing the project of cement production full modernization, assuming the implementation of the most productive technologies of its extraction and processing. And the additional capacities of the substation will help to provide the necessary amount of power to the largest local cement producer, including, partially the living sector of the city,” said Pavel Orlov. “Besides, the project of factory modernization was presented by the President, Dmitriy Medvedev during his visit to Switzerland and is in control of the Russian Federation Court of Auditors. And we fully imagine our responsibility for the obligations to such a major consumers of power as Shchurovskiy cement factory.”