
On September 8, within the framework of the international exhibition called “Innovation Projects in the Electric Grid Complex” carried out at All-Russian Exhibition Centre, they organized the round table called “Use of the bearings at power transmission lines of 0,38-10 kV: wood, ferroconcrete, or metal?”.


The event was organized by IDGC Holding, OJSC , JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” and non-commercial partnership “National Innovation and technological chamber”. The discussion was supported by the producers of wood, ferroconcrete and metal bearings of power transmission lines such as LLC “First wood processing factory”, LLC “OPORA” and enterprise called “Opora LEP” and others. Experts association was represented by scientific workers of Electric Power research and development centre, LLC “Electric and technical systems”, representatives of subsidiary and dependent companies of IDGC Holding, OJSC – MOESK, Lenenergo, IDGC of Siberia and IDGC of South.


They carried out the constructive opinions exchange, during which they speculated upon the most important problems of high voltage power transmission lines operation: reliability during the influence of mechanical, thermal, naked ice and wind loads, reasonability to use these or that materials in different climate zones, ecology and technical development of the production, as well as the check up of power transmission lines condition.


The representatives of the operation site – IDGC Holding and subsidiary and dependent companies paid their special attention to the quality of products of all Russian producers. Following its technical policy and the principles of innovations implementation into the distribution electric grid complex of Russia, operation companies of JSC Holding will use the modern developments in the sphere of power transmission, control and check up, guiding by the principles of maximum productivity to the provision of the failure free power supply of the consumers.