
8 power transmission lines and 2 feeding centers were put into work for the night. Feeding centers and transformer substation in the North and South of Moscow region have been fully connected to electric power supply. Dwellers of the West and East of Moscow region are still continuing to exercise problems with electric power supply.

Totally the work of 34 power transmission lines and that of 22 feeding centers has been recovered by the power engineers since the emergent situation introduction of regime in a series of districts of Moscow region.

Since the morning of 04.01.11, 386 teams with the total number of 1615 people and 174 special vehicles have begun to work. The emergency recovery group will increase within the day owing to arrival of the teams sent by IDGC Holding, OJSC.

On January, 4st works will be performed in 12 municipal districts of Moscow region in responsibility area of JSC “MOESK”.