
Within the light day on the 4th of January the power engineers of Moscow United Electric Grid Company switched on 7 power transmission lines, including:

12-51 - 35 kv OL Leonovo - Pervomayskaya;
14-01 - 35 kv OL Dvoynya - Gridino II;
14-25 - 35 kv OL Shakhovskaya – Volochanovo II;
16-00 - 110 kv OL Cherusti – Krivandino;
16-32 - 110 kv OL Antsiferovo – Nezhino I;
16-33 - 110 kv OL Donino – Tsagi I with sealings off;
16-37 - 110 kv OL Pakhra – Podol’sk II with sealings off.

The works were performed in 12 municipal districts of Moscow region in responsibility area of JSC “MOESK”. 394 teams - 1712 people were engaged in it.


We remind that in the night of the 3d/4th of January the teams of MOESK connected feeding centers and transformer substations in the North and South of Moscow region to electric power supply. Dwellers of the region’s West and East are continuing to exercise problems with electric power supply.

In particular, as of 18.00 on the 4th of January the following facilities in Moscow region were disconnected: 647 transformer substations, including 363 – in Eastern electric grids and 284 – in Western electric grids. For the comparison: as of 18.00 on the 3d of January 1542 transformer substations (TS) were disconnected , i.e. the power engineers fed about 900 TS for 24 hours.


Since the emergent situation regime introduction the power engineers have put into work 41 power transmission lines and 22 feeding centers.

Specialists of JSC “MOESK” and their colleagues who came to help them of the Central Russia regions are continuing to perform recovery works even at night. About 90 teams will come to lines.