
The repair work aimed to eliminate the consequences of technological failures in the 6 – 10 kV distribution grid will be held in 18 municipal districts of the Moscow Area on 10 January 2011 in the process of restoration of the reliable electricity supply.

Scheduled repairs will require de-energization of consumers’ devices in a number of settlements, in particular: in the south of the Moscow Area in the Ramensky (villages Biserovo, Slobodino, Grigorovo, Korobovo); Domodedovsky (settlement Belye Stolby, villages Pushkino, Kutuzovo, Stepanchikovo, etc.) and Podolsky (villages Kut’ino, Lukovnya, Aleksandrovo, Valishchevo) Districts; in the north - in the Klinsky (village Skrepyashchevo), Solnechnogorsky (villages Blagoveshchenka and Bolshakovo); Dmitrovsky (villages Kuimino, Krivets, Kuznetsovo, Kutachi, Platunino, Filippovo, Ust-Strelka, Nagovitsyno, Utenino, Vysochki, etc.); Khimkinsky (settlement Firsanovka); Mytishchensky (villages Borodino, Khovrino and cluster home communities); Krasnogorsky (village Mar’ino) and Pushkinsky (villages Vasil’evo, Podvyaznovo, Artemovo, Zhilkino) Districts; in the west - in the Odintsovsky (settlements Kubinka, Podlipki, Krasnaya Gorka, Ugryumovo) and Istrinsky Districts (villages Korsakovo, Shabanovo, Mansurovo, Dolevo, Markovo, etc.); in the east - in the Orekhovo-Zuevsky (villages Vasyutino, Sofryakovo, Chukaevo, Arinino, Aksenovo, Belavino, Khalturino), Noginsky (villages Stulovo and Besdedovo), Shatursky (village Petrovskoe) and Shchelkovsky (village Gorbuny) Districts.

Switching-off is planned from 8:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m.

The employees of JSC “MOESK” ask the citizens not to worry and to keep peace. You may ask questions via the round-the-clock multichannel telephone number of the “Light Line” of Moscow United Electric Grid Company 8-800-700-40-70 and via the telephone numbers of the temporary information centers created in each electric grid district of JSC “MOESK” (please find the contact information on the website http://www.moesk.ru).