
The heavy snowfall has complicated the process of restoration of reliable electricity supply in the Moscow Area. A number of feeding centers, power lines and a significant number of transformer substations, mainly in the western part of the Moscow Area, were put out of operation during the night and morning of 11 January due to the snowstorm and gusty wind with rain.

Switching-off of electricity supply of consumers was provoked by falling trees, their inclination and inadmissible close approximation to wires under the weight of ice and sleet and sticking of snow. The peak of mass blackout was registered from 8:00 a.m. through 10:00 a.m.


The recovery works during the day were carried out by around 335 brigades of power specialists from 22 regions of the Russian Federation represented by 1,657 people and 289 units of special equipment in total. The routes along the power lines were cleared, and the trees creating threat of falling upon wires were cut down.

By 6:00 p.m., the powermen managed to restore operation of all high-voltage feeding centers and reduce the number of de-energized transformer substations almost twice - from 1.5 thousand to 800.