
According to results of 2010 electric power productive supply in grids of the branch amounted to 42,813.42 mln kWh, while supply to grid amounted to 43,531.52 mln kWh, that is 5.46% more than in 2009. Total actual losses of electric power, during transmission via grids of the branch, amounted to 718.1 mln kWh – this is 4.62% better than absolute measures of 2009.

According to results of 2010 Central Electric Grids – branch of JSC “MOESK” reached electric power loss level of 1.65% to supply to grid, with actual losses according to results of 2009 – 1.73%.

According to Deputy Director of transport and distribution of electric power of Central Electric Grids Igor Mikryukov, “in order to reach such indexes serious purposeful work is carried out in Central Electric Grids, Program of measures on reduction of electric power loss level is worked out annually. Fulfillment of standard of losses in 2010 and reduction of losses relating to 2009 is specified by carried out work on qualitative improvement of electric power accounting, fulfillment of organizational and technical arrangements. Power engineers carry out regular reading of instruments of electric power fiscal metering, watch their technical condition, as well as carry out control on formation of productive supply on every consumer”.

* Reliable electric power supply of consumers on the territory of City of Moscow is provided by three branches of JSC “MOESK”. Within Central Electric Grids there are 124 substations 35-110-220 kilovolt (kV), overhead electric transmission lines 35-110-220 kV, with the total length of more than 1,144 km and more than 500 km of cable electric transmission lines 0.4-20 kV, which are situated in the capital. Branch of JSC “MOESK” – Moscow Cable Grids – services cable electric power transmission lines 0.4-20 and 35 kilovolt (kV), with the total length of more than 61 ths. km and more than 16 ths. of distribution and transformer substations in City of Moscow. Responsibility area of High-Voltage Cable Grids includes – more than 800 km of cable electric power transmission lines 110-500 kV, situated in City of Moscow and Moscow Region.