
Branches of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” fulfilled Plan of Repairs for 2010. Particularly, Plan is exceeded by 34% in branch of JSC “MOESK” – Central Electric Grids. During repair campaign power engineers of Central Electric Grids have repaired 57.86 km of PTL on high-voltage electric power transmission lines, replaced 15.15 km of ground wire, as well as 5,757 of isolators with the plan – 5,500 units.

62 power transformers are repaired on substations during complex repair. Repair of 55 oil circuit-breakers with voltage of 110-220 kV and 711 of circuit-breakers with voltage of 6-10 kV is carried out. Scheduled repair of dispatch equipment, relay protection and automation devices is carried out.

Chief engineer of Central Electric Grids Sergey Litvinov (see photo) explained: “In frames of execution of scheduled repair campaign by power engineers of Central Electric Grids, according to results of 2010, more than RUR mln 595 are sent for execution of works. Among them, for the sum of more than RUR mln 105 is executed with own sources, and more than RUR mln 489 – under the contractor agreements. During execution of repair modern high-tech equipment is being actively used in branch. This allows to provide maximum qualitative electric power supply of electric power consumers in autumn-winter period”.