
According to the electricity transportation department of JSC “MOESK”, 84 certificates in respect of unaccounted electricity consumption for a total of 1,666.2 thousand kWh were compiled for the period from 27 January through 2 February 2011.

The growth of the volume the revealed unaccounted consumption is observed as compared to the last reporting week: the number of the revealed cases of unaccounted consumption has increased by 47%, the number of the revealed unaccounted electricity has grown by 140 % (by 972.3 thousand kWh).

Besides, 141 certificates about electricity consumption without agreements have been compiled as a whole for the Company based on the results of work for the current week. It has equaled 2,427.4 thousand kWh for a total of RUR 9 million 288 thousand.

As to the certificates compiled earlier, 96 of them were paid for the amount of RUR 5 million 306.7 thousand.

The growth of the volume the revealed electricity consumption without agreements is observed as compared to the last reporting week: the number of the compiled certificates has increased by 40 %, the amount of the revealed electricity consumption without agreements has grown by 110.6 thousand kWh or by RUR 1 million 573.2 thousand.

The increase in the number of the compiled certificates is a parameter of the systematic activity aimed to suppress illegal electricity consumption and increase productive supply.

This work is one of the priority tasks of Moscow United Electric Grid Company and is aimed to decrease commercial losses in the distribution electric grid complex of the Moscow Region.