
Representatives of IDGC Holding, OJSC, IDGC of North-West, JSC and IDGC of Center and Volga Region, JSC got acquainted with the work of call-center of Moscow United Electric Grid Company which bases in Kaluga. Deputy Director General on development and implementation of services of IDGC of North-West, JSC Alexander Mikhal’kov, while explaining the visit reason of the Company’s delegation said: “We haven’t yet applied the practice of usage of call-centers. At our place dispatchers answer the consumers’ calls, but it’s difficult for them to do their work and communicate with subscribers at one and the same time. The idea of a call-center establishment has attracted us. The call-center filters the most part of calls, removes a load off the dispatchers and gives the consumers the necessary information”.


Chief of the administration of the means of dispatching and technological management of Moscow United Electric Grid Company Alla Chumakova told the meeting’s participants on a call-center organization of MOESK and its work principles. As of today a “hot” line functions here, which has received name “Light line”. Consumers can call it free using 24-hour, multi-channel number 8–800–700-40-70 and get necessary information.

In a day shift a call-center of MOESK is serviced by two operators, at night – one operator. They receive from 100 to 200 calls for one shift in a common regime. But under mass cutouts the load is increasing seriously and then the employees of сall-center “Beeline Business” come to help. Such situations took place in the period of mass cutouts at the end of December – beginning of January, when the number of calls reached up to 4 thousand per 24 hours. In the night of the 31st of December/01st of January Company “Beeline Business” represented its 20 employees to help the operators of MOESK. “The advantage of a large-scale call-center is in it”, - noted Alla Chumakova. She also added that today they are doing the work on organization of dispatchers’ automated places which could have cooperated with the call-center’s operators without harm for their main activity, while passing them information necessary for the consumers.

Representatives of electric grid companies could communicate with operators of MOESK, the working shift of whom had coincided with this visit. Towards that time when an excursion took place in the сall-center, both operators took be several calls from different districts of Moscow region and Moscow and coped successfully with their tasks, without leaving a single call without a response.

The representatives of IDGC Holding got acquainted attentively with the call-center’s work. At present time they are developing in the Holding the complex servicing standard of consumers and services, aimed at increasing of intra-corporate culture of the work with consumers in all the subsidiaries and affiliates (SAA) of IDGC Holding, OJSC”. And as Deputy Chief of the Department – chief of subdivision of cooperation with the clients of the perspective development and technological connection Department of IDGC Holding, OJSC Ivan Vinogradov said, certain call-center’s best practices of MOESK will be used in this activity.