
Moscow United Electric Grid Company has summed up the work aimed to reduce unauthorized electricity consumption in 2010.

According to the electric power transportation department of JSC “MOESK”, the Company’s employees held 6,194 spot-checks for the period from January through December 2010 in order to reveal unaccounted energy consumption. As a result, 4,562 certificates in respect of illegally consumed power equal to 85.4 million kWh and 7,032 certificates in respect of electricity consumption without entering into any agreement were compiled. In this case the power exceeded 185.3 million kWh for the amount exceeding RUR 602.5 million.

These figures are twice as big as the amounts of the collections from energy agreements in 2009, which is indicative of the systematic activity related with suppression of illegal consumption of electricity. This work is one of the priority tasks of Moscow United Electric Grid Company and is aimed to decrease the commercial losses in the distribution electric grid complex of the Moscow Region.

RUR 615.4 million were recovered from unfair consumers for unaccounted use of electricity, and more than 70 million kWh, which had been consumed without agreements, were returned to the productive supply.