
Investment program implemented successfully in High voltage cable grids (HCG) of the last year laid the basis of work for the forthcoming period. In 2011 they plan to fulfill construction and installation works at six facilities designed in 2010.

In 2011 High voltage cable lines will complete the reconstruction of 110 kv cable lines at substation “Rublevo – Setun’” and “Setun’ – Novokuntsevo I chain, II chain”. Reconstruction of 110 kv cable lines of “TPP-12 - Mayakovskaya 1, 2” and “110 kv CL of CITY - Nikitskaya 1, 2”, reconstruction of an area of 220 kv cable - overhead line (COL) “Vladykino – Marfino” from substation “Vladykino” to transition point (TP) at substation “Marfino” are planned in a full scope.


One of the most important items of investing in the year which has come is construction of a crossing through river Moskva (length is about 370 m, diameter of the shield – 3, 6 m) in terms of title: Reconstruction of a cable area of 220 kv COL “Matveevskaya- Presnya 1, 2” from TP 203 to substation “Presnya” with the transmission capacity increase up to1000 А.


By the words of Deputy Director of HCG on capital construction Oleg Vyacheslavov, “the investment program implementation will make it possible to increase transmission of electric capacity and increase reliability of electric power supply of consumers of Moscow and nearest Moscow region”.

Reliable power supply of consumers in the territory of Moscow is provided by three branches of JSC “MOESK”.
High voltage cable lines provide reliable power supply of consumers in the territory of Moscow and nearest Moscow region. There are over 280 high voltage cable power transmission lines 110-500 kv in responsibility area of HCG – with the total length about  900 km, 1125 cable constructions. 151 feeding centers are connected y cable and cable-overhead lines of HCG. Transmission of electric power through the branch’s grids of HGC in 2010 amounted to over 73 bln. kilowatt-hour. Central electric grids are constituted with 124 substations of 35-110-220 kilovolt (kv), overhead power transmission lines 35-110-220 kv, with the total length of over 1 144 km and over 500 km of 0,4-20 kv cable power transmission lines which are within the capital’s boundaries. Branch of JSC “MOESK” – Moscow cable grids - services 0,4-20 and 35 kilovolt (kv) cable power transmission lines, with the total length of 69 046 km and 17 243 km of distribution and transformer substations in Moscow .