
A new broadcast “Electric Broadcast” has been created on air of “Podmoskov’e” television channel. It touches upon issues of electric energy supply at the Moscow Region, discussion of problems, achievements and developments in the field of electric energy.

Each broadcast is devoted to a special topic. A viewer can get answers on variety of questions of their concern, listen to comments of competent specialists, and know about professionals in electric energy field.

First run of “Electric Broadcast” took place on February the 12th. The following participants discussed the major topic “Ice rain consequences”: Sergey Shmatko, the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation; Vasiliy Gromov, the Deputy Head of the Government – Chairman of the Commission for Emergency under the Government of the Moscow Region; Tsaren Tsagadaev, Chairman of the Fuel and Energy Committee of the Moscow Region; Andrey Konovalov, the General Director of JSC “MOESK”; Yuriy Marakin, the Company’s Deputy General Director for Safety; and Eduard Podadaev, the Deputy General Director – Director of High Voltage Electric Networks, a branch of JSC “MOESK”.

Evgeniy Pegeta, a master at Western Electric Networks, a branch of JSC “MOESK” became the hero of the broadcast. He had participated in liquidation of ice rain consequences at Samara district. Having come back home from sending, he had struggled with consequences of the natural disaster at Moscow Region forests over the whole New Year holidays.

Watch “Electric Broadcast” twice a month, every second and forth Saturday at 18:45. Repeat on next Monday morning, at 10:45.