
Conference of the Moscow Region Regional Council of “United Russia” political party supporters on the issues of provision of reliable electric energy supply of consumers from municipal entities of the Moscow Region took place on February the 15th, 2011 at the Moscow Region Duma. Yuriy Lipatov, the Chairman of the Committee for Energy under the State Duma, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Boris Mekhanoshin, the Deputy General Director – Technical Director of IDGC Holding, OJSC; Andrey Konovalov, the General Director of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”; Tsyren Ysagadaev, the Head of the Fuel and Energy Committee of the Moscow Region, and heads of Moscow Region municipal entities participated in the Conference.

The situation of electric energy supply of consumers from the Moscow Region over the autumn and winter period, condition of the Moscow Region distributive grid complex, reasons for large-scale energy cuts in the Moscow Region from December the 26th, 2010 till January the 3rd, 2011 were discussed at the Forum.

Opening the Conference, Yuriy Lipatov, the Chairman of the Committee for Energy under the State Duma, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, informed the participants on current situation and implemented measures. Specifically, large-scale electric energy cuts took place on December the 26th due to long ice rain. As a result of technical failures, electric energy supply of more than 300 thousand consumers was reduced.

”State Duma deputes expressed their deep concern about the accident at the first plenary meeting in 2011. The position of parliamentarians was simple: consumer is always right and shall be served qualitatively and in time. It is their constitutional right. Power engineers are to exercise it. The Committee for Energy under the State Duma has carried out “On situation regarding electric energy provision of consumers from Moscow and Moscow Region over the 2010-2011 autumn and winter period, and on performance of investment programs and modernization of the country’s electric grid complex by electric grid companies” round table on Janaty the 13th. Sergey Shmatko, the Minister of Energy, performed information at the round table, and recommendations to the Government of the Russian Federation were worked out”, - noted Yuriy Lipatov.

As well, he informed on the fact that deputes had constantly met issues of voters regarding measures for prevention of such situations working at electoral districts. That’s why it is necessary to realize the difficulties met by power engineers during implementation of accident recovery works, and maintenance of technical means. Which measures are implement to increase reliability of electric energy supply of infrastructure objects, firstly airports, railway objects, systems of settlements and manufactures provision. What is done for provision of distant villages and settlements with standard loading.

Performing at the Conference, Boris Mekhanoshin, the Deputy General Director – Technical Director of IDGC Holding, OJSC noted an appearance of system problem. It could be matched only with system operation of IDGC Holding, OJSC which started from first ours of accident development.

Over the first 12 hours, the staff was created. Its main activity was unexampled deploy of neighboring regions. The scale of technical damage was evident to exceed possibilities of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” on accident recovery significantly, as personnel was completed due to average accident levels.

Urgent resource mobilization was the main task. Significant reserves were provided with total support of the Government of the Moscow Region, neighboring regions, Ministry of Emergency, and the federal staff. Logistics and placing were provided for as well. It allowed the teams to start reconstruction works promptly.

Talking about system reasons having indirectly influenced the situation regarding electric energy supply, and on strategy plans, Boris Mekhanoshin noted the electric grid complex to be not sufficiently financed over the last decades. Over 50% of equipment worked out its standard term. It touched upon the accident. The system decisions made by power engineers allowed saving of the infrastructure. During the period of wholesale cuts, not a single accident with damage to substation equipment or generating objects took place. The energy system kept stability. THE system for dispatch and maintenance management, substation equipment of relay protection system and automation worked conventionally. The main reason was the factor of climate. It was proved by almost complete absence of damaged electric energy transmission lines at open space area.

As one of strategy tasks, the Technical Director of IDGC Holding, OJSC named realization of the program for renovation aimed at reduction of depreciation from 70% to 50%. This program taking into account condition of each substation had already been worked out. Its implementation requires RUR 2 trillion 800 billion. Because of shift to RAB-method, IDGC Holding, OJSC plans to spend about RUR 750 billion on realization of the program. The amount of borrowing will be equal to RUR 1.2 trillion. Saving by means of new equipment will equal another RUR 500 billion. Regarding missing means, IDGC Holding, OJSC relies upon state support. If it is rendered, the renovation program is to be implemented within 10 years.

As well, Boris Mekhanoshin noted discrepancy of legislation in the energy field with the one of the forest sector. It led to impossibility to widen glades which significantly provided for the reason of the accident.

”We’ve provided an initiative to the Ministry of Energy, and Russian Forestry, and the Government of the Russian Federation. We hope that a set of standard documents regulating width of glades and protection areas will be worked out as soon as possible. It will allow minimization of risks,” noted the Technical Director of IDGC Holding, OJSC.
“Besides, it is reasonable to work out a regulation on establishment of a united coordination body on interaction and resource management. A shining example is mobilization of IDGC Holding, OJSC. This experience shows necessity of such federal coordination with other subjects. Under the investment program, increase of automobile techniques to 4,111 units is planned. Moreover, purchase of 955 diesel generators is planned. It will allow reduction in number of cut objects under implementation of accident recovery works. In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation, the Holding expands scientific and research development works. For these needs, 2% in 2011 and 2.5% in 2012 will be spent to equal RUR 2.5 billion in 2011 and RUR 5 billion starting from 2013,” said Boris Mekhanoshin. Due to him, the system approach to the problem of reliability increase lies in forcing of infrastructure without appreciation and increase of tariff loading as a consequence, and reduction of recovery works terms. Besides, innovative technologies are being developed in joint work with cable production manufacturers and scientific and research centers. For example, clear mechanisms to produce wires with nano-coverage to allow the wires to be hydrophobic – resistant to water and ice-formation have been determined.


Different technical conditions of territorial grid organizations (TGO) found 240 at the Moscow Region have been named among significant problems. To provide for failure-free electric energy supply of consumers, coordination of, and control for activity of TGO is necessary.
In his speech, Andrey Konovalov, the General Director of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” touched upon significant problems agitating consumers.

The first issue is duration of recovery. Unexampled regarding the scale, the climate influence brought an enormous bulk of works. Over the period from December the 26th to January the 11th, power engineers took 156 thousand fallen trees from transmission lines. It almost equals 100 thousand cubic meters. Taking into account already implemented work, another 398 thousand trees are to be taken away by March the 31st. This amount has been agreed by forestries.

The second serious problem is insufficiency of mechanization and human resources. “We’ve clearly understood insufficiency of mechanization. Mechanization and telemechanization at substation is on such level, that information on condition of an object comes with at least one hour delay. Every hour is lost time and additional complications. Regarding provision of qualified specialists, it’s necessary to recognize that work at electric energy transmission lines require only special workers. Educated and having access. That’s why we had to refuse involvement of several thousand persons to speed up implementation of works. Decline could have been seen after 10 days of works including psychological conditions. Nowadays, we clearly recognize the Company’s need for line teams waiting for their hour to come. Measures on staff structure optimization will be implemented for these needs,” noted Andrey Konovalov.

As for today, work on growth of consumers’ electric energy supply reliability can be divided into three stages. From 26th to 11th January, all consequences of the nature damage have been eliminated. The second stage is to end on March the 31st when 398 thousand trees will be taken away. Up to September the 30th, widening of glades is to be carried out. Due to a preliminary estimation, total square of glades will be about 3.5 thousand hectare.

The General Director of JSC “MOESK” also pointed out that regulatory base had not been completely regulated in spite of several documents being signed. “We can not start clearance of glades. Summer is coming, and over 100 thousand cube meters of forests remain in glades, but only about 4 thousand of them have already been utilized. Energy companies are not timber distributors. Timber shall be sold at public sales while gained money shall go to state budget. Mechanism is not registered and remains ambiguous. Nevertheless, the issue shall be solved. Generally, I consider the work to be implemented efficiently”, told Andrey Konovalov.

At the end of the Conference, exchange of experience on work in energy safety field, increase of electric energy safety and energy efficiency on the base of modern alternate decentralized electric energy and heating sources was carried out with representatives of the Tatarstan Republic, and a project on energy efficiency increase in Noginst was presented.