
Solemn event in honor of Defender of the Motherland Day, organized for veterans of Executive Board of MOESK, took place in Administration of Moscow Cable Grids (MCG) – branch of JSC “MOESK”.

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Under tunes of martial music merited workers were met by representatives of Union of Young Specialists of the Company.

During official part of the celebration Deputy Director General on Personnel Management of JSC “MOESK” – Krenyova Nadezhda Anatoljevna, on behalf of management authority and staff, congratulated everybody with Defender of the Motherland Day, wished health and successes: “Let strength, might and spirit, typical for real defenders, be present in you always”.

Representatives of the Company’s Executive Board emphasized in their speeches all significance of what veterans did for Moscow power system.

In the end of celebration, active team of Northern Electric Grids (NEG) – branch of JSC “MOESK” performed with literary-musical composition.

The event ended with tableful, during which veterans had possibility to discuss important topics and remember the past.
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Such events became a heart-warming tradition for the whole Company. Moscow United Electric Grid Company treats very carefully its veterans, people, on whose shoulders fell hard years of establishment of electric power industry of Moscow Region, who forged victory on war frontlines, and also worked in the rear indefatigably, providing reliable electric power supply for defense enterprises of region.

JSC “MOESK” realized actively complex support program of pensioners-power engineers, thus confirming its status of socially-centred company.