
Ice rain and coming after it snowfalls demanded from all personnel of our grids to work on chinstrap, not taking into account personal time or well-being. From the very beginning of emergency outages and restoration works Chief specialist on civil defense and emergency situations of Eastern Electric Grids Pyotr Sergeevich Ipatov has been collecting necessary information and helped to coordinate actions for elimination of consequences of enacted elements. Pyotr Sergeevich himself – is a military pilot, who spent more than quarter of a century on service in Armed Forces. For a long time he protected air spaces of our country, and now he stands guard for safety of personnel of Eastern Electric Grids.

For conscientious execution of responsibilities P.Ipatov was honored with Merit Certificate of Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow Region, which was handed to him by Head of Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Department for Regional Safety of administration of  Noginsk district Vladimir Ryabchikov. “Pyotr Sergeevich has helped a lot in that difficult situation, information, which he collected, was always very full and at the same time clear and concrete, what is, of course, important. And it was decided to reward his efforts with Merit Certificate” – he pointed out.