
“Moscow Cable Networks” (MCN) – branch of JSC “MOESK” performs the regular activity related to observance of the Russian legislation requirements established in the field of environment protection.

In 2010 MCN developed and implemented “Program of measures for protection and rational natural resources utilization” for the purpose of environment-oriented tasks solution. Each division, depending on its operating activity’s specific nature, was provided with individual environment-oriented plans, implementation of which made it possible to fulfill the program in more comprehensive and coherent manner.

Moreover, all planned actions aimed at utilization of production and consumer wastes, protection of atmospheric air and waters, and measures related to sanitary protection zones were performed in full.

In late 2010 for the purpose of approval of ecology management, labor protection, occupational health and safety integrated system compliance, the certification authority BUREAU Veritas Certification carried out the second compliance audit at MCH. The auditing program consisted of production environment evaluation at facilities and in the Branch’s structural subdivisions, control over the processes at workplaces performed by observers, interviews with managers of all levels and operating personnel as well as an analysis of documentation.

Based on the audit results, the inspectors made the conclusion that the system of management of audited labor protection and ecology standards is maintained in active state and meets all the requirements.