
Branch of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” – Southern Electric Grids carries out measures on providing of no-break work of equipment, buildings and constructions during spring flood.

Branch Southern Electric Grids services 10 administrative districts of Moscow Region, situated from the border of Moscow Ring Road in the north to Serebryanye prudy in the south of Moscow Region. Rivers the Nara, the Oka, the Osetr, the Smedovka, the Kashirka, the Lopasnya, the Moskva flow in service area of Southern Electric Grids. During spring high water their flood can lead to water-logging of power equipment.

According to Deputy Director General – Director of Southern Electric Grids Vadim Shomesov: “Branch Southern Electric Grids, as the whole Company, today already solves problem of availability performance of specialists and machinery for coming flood. During spring flood and active melting of snow cover electric grid enterprise faces the following problems: rising water in rivers and, as a result water-logging of objects, situated in flood-plains, their possible damage by ice drift; growth of ground-water line, as a result of flood.

Long-term work experience allowed to determine number of objects in responsibility area of Southern Electric Grids, which are potentially subject to water-logging. These are overhead crossings of lines 10 and 110 kV, high-voltage substations and objects of distribution grids.

Water-logging of objects can lead to their damage or restriction of access to them of service and repair personnel. These distribution centres and transformer substations are routinely removed from circuits of electric power supply long before the beginning of flood. Consumers are transferred to other sources of power in advance. Work plans of district of electric grids for flood-time include list of such objects and preventive measures.

There, where existent water drawdown system does not cope or is absent, portable drainage pumps are used.

According to work plans, unloading facilities are prepared and will be situated near areas with risk of water-logging by ground and melt waters. Emergency supply of materials and spare parts is being formed. There is held occasional before-flood survey of storm-water collectors, storm water drainage, surface inlets, cable channels and tunnels, as well as electric power transmission lines, distribution centres and transformer substations situated in areas of possible water-logging.

During flood there will be organized monitoring over condition of PTL supports, situated in overflow lands and transformer substations, which are subject to water-logging”.

Power engineers cooperate with EMERCOM authorities, administrations of districts and cities, carry out joint exercises and trainings to increase performance of activities and emergency response and restoration operations.

Measures on preparation for passage of spring flood are directed to providing of no-break electric power supply of consumers and minimization of terms of troubles elimination in electric power system of Moscow Region.