
Branch of JSC “MOESK” – Western Electric Grids has successfully carried out set of measures on execution of Environmental Policy.

During execution of tasks in the sphere of environment the company has carried out works on reduction of land pollution with oil products, continued repair of oil-receiving devices at power centres. Last year the branch bought and installed modern cleaning equipment and car wash on the basis of Volokolamsk district of electric grids. Such systems of recirculation and cleaning of water for motor transport washing are already functioning in Mozhajsk and Ruza districts of electric grids.

Realization in Western Electric Grids of experience of internal environmental audit confirms high level of environmental responsibility of power engineers. This arrangement is organized for effective management of environment-related activity.

Last year 27 checkouts of production sites were executed for compliance of the branch’s activity with requirements of legislative and other regulatory enactments in the sphere of environmental protection.  In june 2010 internal audit of Environmental Management System (EMS) was carried out.

As Pavel Kulikov, Head of Environmental Sector of Production and Technical Department of Western Electric Grids, pointed out: “Analysis of EMS showed, that branch’s goals in the sphere of environmental protection were reached last year. Accidents, which lead to environmental pollution, were not registered. There were no complaints received by Western Electric Grids on improvement of the company’s environmental activity or elimination of disadvantages”.

From 2006 till 2011 the branch spent approximately RUR mln 18 for realization of Environmental Policy.

Environmental protection – is an integral part of Environmental Policy and social responsibility of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”. Goal is to reduce influence on environment in frames of execution of environment-related measures. In 2008 JSC “MOESK” got Certificate of Conformity with Requirements of International Standards ISO 14001:2004. Environmental Management System allows to estimate influence of power facilities on environment, determine environmental aspects, which can damage environment while violation of environment-related legislation. At the same time, confirmation of correspondence with standards lays responsibility of constant improvement of environmental effectiveness of the whole Company’s activity.