
The branch JSC “MOESK” - Southern Electric Grids has met the target of nature protection actions for eleven months of the current year and sums up implementation of the ecological program for the year in all lines of the industrial activity of the enterprise.


100 water samples and 30 air samples for holding of the analysis were taken in order to perform control over observance of the standard amount of the content of polluting substances in the atmospheric air and superficial waters. Works aimed to improve efficiency of the operation of clearing structures in the storm water drain systems are actively held in the premises of the electric grids the Serpukhovsky and Domodedovsky Districts. Certification of the structures was held and the rules of their maintenance service for conformity to modern requirements of the nature protection laws were trained. Similar actions are planned to be performed in other areas of the responsibility zone of SEG. The works held in this line will allow to improve the ecological conditions in the south of the Moscow Area.


Within the framework of implementation of the ecological program at the SEG enterprises, substations “Peredeltsy” and “Ryazanovo”, oil switches were replaced by gas-insulated ones, and those of S “Lebedevo”, “Shchapovo” were replaced by vacuum breakers. Eight oil receivers were repaired to fit oil breakers at S “Purlovo”, two oil receivers were repaired to fit transformers T-1 and Т-2 at S “Kraskovo”.


The Ecological Service of SEG take an active part in preparation of the exposition and arrangement of participation of JSC “MOESK” in the international exhibition and congress “Water: Ecology and Technology” ECWATECH-2010. The work held by the company in the field of reduction of negative influence on the environment and search for new solutions in provision of ecological safety was awarded with the diploma under the resolution of the congress presidium.


A large-scale program is planned for the year 2011 in respect of the further improvement of the ecological conditions of the southern Moscow Area, implementation of new nature protection technologies, and increase in efficiency of performed actions.

Vladimir Krupnov, Chief of the Ecological Service of SEG noted that “the informal approach to solution of the ecological problems at the enterprise will allow for meeting International ecological standards in the future”.

JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” considers the priority of implementation of new technologies contributing to reduction in pollution of the land with mineral oil, and modern methods and ways of waste recycling to be its strategic purposes.
The ecological safety of production and electric power transmission becomes more and more vital now that the quality of life is determined not only by cleanliness of the environment, but also by full satisfaction of the needs of an individual with the quantity and quality of electric power. Solution of nature protection tasks is one of the major lines of the activity performed by JSC “MOESK”.