
CL (cable line) 220 kV “Novobratsevo-Yashino 1, 2” was put under load. The length of the two-circuit cable line along the route exceeds 2,400 meters. More than 14,000 meters of cable with cross-linked polyethylene insulation were laid at it, and 9 joint boxes were mounted.

High-Voltage Cable Grids of JSC “MOESK” carried out technical supervision of the construction of “Novobratsevo-Yashino 1,2” 220 kV cable line under the order of JSC “Energocomplex”. The specialists of the technical supervision service (TSS) of High-Voltage Cable Grids were checking conformity of performance of works to the agreed project at each stage of construction of the cable line. Close attention was given to the quality of delivered cable production. The works of laying the power cable, installation of the equipment of the telesignal system and thermal control were under strict supervision of TSS.

Laying of the cable line was started in 2008 after MOESK had accepted “Yashino” 220 kV S (substation) in operation. The modern feeding center was planned for connection of four 220 kV lines. The two of them were formed as a result of “cutting" of the line “Central – Gertsevo”: these are “Centralnaya – Yashino” and “Yashino – Gertsevo”. The new cable line was laid to “Novobratsevo” substation - one of the most powerful substations in the north of the capital.

JSC “Energocomplex” transferred “Novobratsevo-Yashino 1, 2” 220 kV cable line for the further maintenance to High-Voltage Cable Grids - the branch of JSC “MOESK”, which has wide experience in operation of cable lines. Commissioning of “Novobratsevo-Yashino 1, 2” 220 kV CL allowed to increase transfer of power and reliability of electricity supply for consumers of the Northern Administrative District of the capital considerably.