
Sergey Shmatko, Minister for Energy Industry of the Russian Federation, together with the representatives of IDGC Holding, OJSC and JSC “MOESK” has controlled the course of the works of power lines restoration in the capital region.

On 29 December, the head visited the site, where 110 220 kV power lines pass across the forest.


The works of clearing the routes were held by wiremen of Central Electric Grids – the branch of JSC “MOESK”, and the recovery brigades of Belgorodenergo from IDGC of Center.


Minister appreciated the course of the recovery works and emphasized that “the positive dynamics of recovery works was achieved only owing to duly preparation of power specialists for the autumn and winter period and high professionalism of wiremen brigades”.


Let us remind that the power specialists of Moscow United electric Grid Company work hard to liquidate the consequences of the weather anomaly.


The works were held all night long and proceed now. The quantity of the disconnected transformer substations decreased from 4,567 to 3,323 during this period (positive dynamics is 1,244 TS). Owing to restoration of electricity supply, train traffic in the Ryazan direction at the site Lyubertsy-Cherusti was put in order.