
The power specialists of Moscow United Electric Grid Company work hard to liquidate the consequences of the weather anomaly.

The works were held all night long and proceed now. The quantity of the disconnected transformer substations decreased from 4,567 to 3,323 for this period (positive dynamics is 1,244 TS). Owing to restoration of electricity supply, train traffic in the Ryazan direction at the site Lyubertsy-Cherusti was put in order.

Due to the worsened weather conditions - snow, snowstorm, gusty wind - new switching-off occurred in Central Electric Grids at 2 overhead lines of 220 kV, 2 cable overhead lines during the night and morning of 29 December. One overhead line of 110 kV was disconnected in the Eastern Electric Grids, three 110 kV substations and two 35 kV substations were disconnected there as well. They will be put in operation in the near future.


The recovery works involve 405 brigades represented by 2,177 people and 165 units of equipment.