
The power specialists of Moscow United Electric Grid Company continue to liquidate the consequences of ice storm.

At high-voltage PL of the Eastern Moscow Area:

- At 10:16 “Nekrasovka-Kuchino” 110 kV OL was switched on;

- At 11:15 Kurovskaya-Vokzalnaya” 110 kV OL was switched on, “Voksalnaya” S was energized (traction);

- At 16:10 - OL 110 kV Roshal Zapadnaya with a branch line was switched on, 110 kV S “Roshal”, 110 kV S “Misheron”, 110 kV S “Botino”, 35 kV S “Kerva”, 35 kV S “Dolgusha”, 35 kV S “Polya Nasosnye”, 35 kV S “Baksheevo” were energized;

- At 16:12 - OL 110 kV Guslitsa- Antsiferovo was switched on, 110 kV S “Guslitsa” was energized;

- At 16:31 - OL 110 kV Shatura – Krivandino.

At high-voltage PL of the Western Moscow Area:

- At 12:34 OL 110 kV Kubinka-Ivanovskaya I with branch lines from S “Kubinka” to support 141 (with branch lines) were switched on, 110 kV S “Karinskaya”, 110 kV S “Dyutkovo” (traction) were energized;

- At 13:05 – OL 35 kV Mishukovo – Kolosovo was switched on;

- At 15:30 – OL 35 kV Shakhovskaya – Sereda II, OL 35 kV Shakhovskaya – Volochanovo I were switched on;

- At 15:56 - OL 110 kV Golitsino – Zvenigorod II was switched on;

- At 16:44 - OL 110 kV Shatura – Krivandino was switched on.


Within the day the quantity of the disconnected transformer substations decreased from 3,304 to 3,171 (positive dynamics is 233 TS). The weather conditions do not allow to restore operation of the energy system providing higher rates. The strong wind and snowfall prevent power men from removing trees and branches from PL 35-220 kV and repairing distribution grids of 0.4-6-10 kV.

The damaged electric equipment is restored by 424 brigades generated in the electric grid districts, based on the EMERCOM and IDGC Holding, OJSC provided by the branches. Malfunctions in high-voltage and distribution grids are eliminated by 2,269 people, 174 units of equipment are used.


It was decided to arrange teamwork of power men of MOESK and employees of JSC “Mosenergosbyt” in the developed situation. According to Andrey Miridonov, deputy technical director for distribution grids of JSC “MOESK”, the experts of Mosenergosbyt will be on duty at dispatching boards together with the dispatchers from MOESK receiving the most on-line information on switching-off and switching-on of objects. They can transmit it to the territorial branches of Mosenergosbyt, and those, in their turn, to contact consumers (administrations of municipal entities, heads of establishments, services of housing and communal services, etc.) and explain the situation. In particular, they can report on the provisional time of connection and other necessary data”.

The joint watch will be arranged at dispatching boards of those areas of distribution grids, where the most serious situation developed: in Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Shatursky, Istrinsky, Odintsovsky, Shakhovskow, Podolsky, Domodedovsky and Ramensky EGDs.