
On the eve of the holidays, Moscow United Electric Grid Company wished Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to the personnel and pupils of the State Educational Establishment for Children-Orphans and Children who Remained without Care of Parents “Saltykovsky Orphanage” in the Moscow Area, as well as the employees and patients of the child division of the scientific and research institute of child oncology and hematology of the Russian Scientific Centre named after N.N. Blokhin.

The representatives of the Company officially presented the children with colourfully decorated “sweet” gifts, wished them health, successes and coming true of all desires. Besides, a concert with participation of professional actors was organized for small patients of the medical center.

It should be noted that it’s not the first time when JSC “MOESK” pleases the pupils of Saltykovsky Orphanage. In the autumn of 2010, the power company held the charitable action in the institution “1 September” and presented pupils with stationery, clothes and school accessories, and arranged a concert prepared by the children of MOESK employees specially for them.


“The social responsibility is one of the priorities of work of Moscow United Electric Grid Company, therefore our plans include continuation of the active charities aimed to support and render assistance to those who need them most of all,” Natalia Larina, deputy chief of the personnel motivation management emphasized.


On 30 December, the employees of the Company will congratulate the pupils of Sunday School of Temple of the Trinity in the Pavlovo-Posadsky District on the in-coming holidays. They will be presented with 50 “sweet” gifts.
