
During the last night of 30 - 31 December, the specialists of MOESK and the energy specialists of other companies of IDGC Holding helping them in restoration of electricity supply of the Moscow Area have reduced the number of the disconnected transformer substations by more than three hundred units: from 1,442 (at 22:00 of 30 December) to 1,133 (at 06:00 of 31 December).

The number of the inhabitants of the Moscow Area remaining without electricity has also decreased accordingly: from 12 thousand 200 to 9.5 thousand people.

The emergency recovery works were held by more than 200 brigades represented by nearby 700 people.

After connection of feeding centers in the evening of 30 December, the main task of today (31 December) is restoration of electric power supply in the range of low voltage 0.4-6-10 kV.

The analysis of the developed situation and the course of the emergency recovery works allows to say that the power specialists will meet the assigned task: they will connect all consumers by 18 o'clock of 31 December.