
For the first time an integrated preventative day devoted to metrology took place in JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”

The representatives of nine companies, manufacturers and introducers of electric meters for power field were present in the activity. Among them there were JSC MNPP “Antraks”, JSC “NPP “Energotehnika”, JSC “Energo-Soyuz”, JSC “TSM Communication Gmbh” (Austria) and others.

Listening public included metrologists and power quality specialists of all the branch offices of JSC “MOESK”. The aim of the integrated preventative day was to show new equipment of high quality and to apply it hereafter in the company.

Deputy Director General – an engineering director of JSC “MOESK” Anatoly Chegodaev while greeting the participants of the activity pointed out an urgency of the issue of choice of quality measuring devices.

JSC “MOESK” – one the biggest interregional distribution grid companies in Russia that uses over 600 high voltage power centers with voltage 35/110/220 kV. The total number of distribution and transformer substations is over 30 000. In general about 350 000 measuring devices are applied in the company.

Metrology service of JSC “MOESK” is accredited by the directing agency of the metrological service (GOMS) as a base institute of the metrological service of power industry (BOMS). BOMS includes 7 branch offices and 2 branch organizations metrology services of which are accredited for gauge works.

“To improve accuracy of measuring operations since 2007 in JSC “MOESK” indicating electric meters that do not let record consistent results of measuring are under changeover into digital once with an accuracy class 0,5. Elena Buchkina, a director of the metrology service department of JSC “MOESK”, explained that about 3000 measuring devices are to be replaced annually. These activities are performed according to the main for the power engineers Order #1. A choice of the measuring means is made on the basis of the tender results but one of the primary choice criteria is a positive operational life of the devices in our branch offices and other power companies”, -Elena Buchkina added.