
On March, 17th a briefing with the participation of Director General of JSC “MOESK” Andrey Konovalov took place in Moscow United Electric Grid Company. While answering the journalists’ questions, Andrey Pavlovich told on the results of the last year and specified the current year’s perspectives. He reported, that the Company’s net profit according to RAS grew by 2,5 times in 2010 and amounted to RUR 15,7 billion, the proceeds increased by 26,8% - to RUR 108 billion. The credit portfolio of MOESK decreased from RUR 40 to RUR 30 billion for the year, and the construction-in-process volume decreased by RUR 10 billion. As far as the activity’s technical characteristic are concerned, the productive supply of electric power for the reporting year has amounted to 73,2 billion kWh. In 2011 the given indicator augmentation is expected by 1,2-1,5%.


- On the whole the work results of the Company in 2010 are good enough, and the figures prove it, - emphasized Andrey Konovalov.


The Company plans to direct the main part of the proceeds for the investment programs implementation. So, the investment program on RAB-regulation (we remind that the company transferred to it since the 01st of January of 2011) for the five-year period (2011-2015) will amount to RUR 132 billion. The investment program on technological connection for the same period is assessed in RUR 115 billion, from them - RUR 32 billion are the expenses for distribution grids (voltage 0,4 kv, 6 kv and 10 kv).

Big attention will be paid to preparation to the autumn and winter period of 2011-2012. They plan to direct RUR 5,2 billion for repairs in terms of the corresponding investment program with the total volume of over RUR 35 billion.


- The repair fund’s volume at us has grown by RUR 700 million due to the consequences of “icy rain”. This money will be invested in trees cutting down, change of wires, equipment which was operated maximally within three weeks of the consequences liquidation of abnormal weather phenomena in the capital and in the region. Beginning from the 26th of December of 2010 about 300 ths trees were already cut down. Works are not stopped, – specified Director General of JSC “MOESK”. He assured that in the future the Company will continue to do its best to provide reliable power supply of Moscow region’s consumers.