
“Moscow United Electric Grid Company” announces the traditional annual competition of journalistic works “Electric Grids” conducted within the frame of the All-Russia competition and organized by IDGC Holding. In 2011 the competition will be held in seven nominations, with three winning places in each of them.

The competition is conducted for journalists of printing and electronic media, radio stations and TV-channels. It is aimed at support and appraisal of journalists’ work, who cover the problems related to the distribution grid complex of Moscow region, as well as at attraction of target audiences to challenges related to electric grids and providing the general public with information about character, perspectives of development and particular features of activities associated with securing of reliable and quality power supply.

The analogous competition was held last year too. Among its winners were the journalist of the TV-channel “Russia-24” Margarita Zamyatina, an observer of “Daily News. Moscow area” Irina Rybnikova, a correspondent of the TV-channel “TVTs” Alexander Gapeev, the journalists of news agencies RIA “Novosti” and “Interfax” Ivan Shcheglov and Anastasiya Shatskaya, etc.

Winners of 2010 competition.

The first place in the nomination “Let there be light!” will be awarded to an author of the most color piece or series of publications about the operation activity of the Moscow region’s distribution complex. In the nomination “Constant current” an award will be handed over to the journalists or mass media showing stability of creativity in reporting on activities in electric power sector. The nomination “Special-purpose energy” is designated for the TV journalists or creative teams produced the best program or cycle of programs devoted to development of the grid complex. The winner in the nomination “Reliably. Easily. Effectively” will be an author of the print media for the best material or material series dedicated to energy-efficient technologies implementation and the equipment renovation. The publications devoted to reduction of losses in electric grids will bring an award in the nomination “Power saving”. The best feature article or series of articles devoted to the veterans as well as to the grid equipment designers and to the people working at the enterprises of the grid complex will be defined in the nomination “Persons of industry”. The best historical materials about the electric power industry will serve as a pretext for awarding a victory in the nomination “Light of history”.

Director General of JSC “MOESK” A.P Konovalov hands over diplomas to the winners

Evaluation of the competition works depends on their relevance, an analytical processing of the information, an artistic level as well as on availability in publications of the reputable experts’ evaluations in the field of electric power industry and comments of the official representatives of the Company, its subsidiaries and branches.

The printed materials intended for the competition shall be submitted in their original or electronic files. Audio- and video recordings are to be presented on digital media.

The works which have been issued since the beginning of this year take part in the competition. The materials shall be submitted till December 1, 2011:

-from the media representatives of Moscow and Moscow Region to PR-specialists of the Company’s branch, in the responsibility region of which an appropriate editorial office is located;

- from representatives of the federal media - to the Company’s public relations department at the address: 3, bld. 2, 2nd Paveletsky lane, Moscow, 115114 or at e-mail address: StrugovetsVM@moesk.ru