
Scientific practical seminar “power cables and cable grids. State, problems and development perspectives” took place on March 16-17th in terms of International exhibition CABEX-2011.

To analyze the state of the world and Russian cable industry, set out the development perspectives, the key scientists and producers of cables, wires and appliances gathered at the seminar. Director of the All-Russian scientific and research Institute of cable industry (VNIIKP) Gennady Meschanov opened the arrangement. He emphasized that the native cable industry in 2010 has demonstrated the growth by 23%, and as they predict this tendency will be continued.


Chief engineer of branch of JSC “MOESK” – High-voltage cable grids Vladimir Burtovsky represented the gathered people the detailed information on development of high-voltage cable grids in the system of Moscow United Electric Grid Company.

“As of today JSC “MOESK”, probably, is the parent company in Russia which operates cable lines of high voltage, – noted Vladimir Il’yich. – There are over 280 high-voltage cable power transmission lines by110-220 kv with the length of 904 km in our responsibility area. They connect 151 feeding centers”.

Vladimir Il’yich told in his report on about the structure of high-voltage cable grid and also fixed on the issues of cable lines operation.


Vladimir Shevelyov, Deputy Technical Director of JSC “Moskabel’set’montazh”, subsidiary of JSC “MOESK” presented a paper on modern methods of construction and installation of power cable lines with 110-120 kv voltage.