
Information of the capital weather forecasters about the sudden weather change in Moscow and the Moscow Region was the signal for Moscow United Electric Grid Company to take additional measures directed to provision of the reliable work of the equipment and failure free power supply of the consumers.

Igor Kuznetsov, Industrial Operation Deputy Technical Director ordered the operative teams to be ready as well as organize their duty and provide the personnel with the necessary tools, materials and instruments.

It is necessary to carry out the check up of the vehicles, provide the readiness of work of the on-duty movable oil filled containers.

During the extra-trainings of the operative and dispatch personnel the special attention is paid to the independent activities in the situation of the mass power cut-off of the consumers, and the possible use of the temporary power consumers cut-off schedules.

JSC “MOESK” on-duty personnel will fight with the bad weather in close cooperation with Emercom and the operative teams of the local administrations.