
Electric Grids Technological connection typical agreements new forms were approved. The correspondent statement of the Russian Federation Government as of 01.03.2011 №129 (changes in the Statement as of 27.12.2004 №861) entered in to force since March 15 of the current year.

The standardization of the documents (agreements and technical conditions) by the amount of the maximum (connected) capacity and types of the consumers withdraws the earlier existing contradictions between the grid companies and the customers, making the relations between them clear and understandable, which is especially important for the small and medium business during taking of the investment decisions.

The presence of the typical documents will considerably influence the decrease of the technological connections “grey market” and lead to the considerable decrease of the corruption in this sphere. Besides, the unified approach to the making of the documents will help to considerably decrease the terms of signing of such technological connection agreements by the companies.

Such changes are very important for the Moscow United Electric Grid Company, especially in the part of the capital development program realization (address investment program, subway construction, road and bridge construction), which require the implementation of the technological connection of the objects within the short terms.

The Statement of the Russian Federation Government as of March 1, 2011 No 129 is especially topical now, during the period of forming of the legal practice regarding the norms of the technological connections within the system of RAB regulation.

We shall mention that RAB regulation since January 1, 2011was shifted to by the majority of the power grid companies of the country.

The forms of the typical agreements on the implementation of the technological connection to the electric grids are available at the site of JSC “MOESK” in the section called “Order of the technological connection to the power consuming tools”.