
Western Electric Grids Branch of JSC “MOESK” carried out the complex of the activities directed to the provision of the reliable and failure free work of the power grids objects during the period of the spring flood.

Within the goals of the failure free work of the power objects currently, the branch created the committee headed by Viktor Ivanov Chief Engineer. They also prepared the plan of the activities connected with the equipment, buildings and constructions work during the spring flood period.

They carried out the checkups of the buildings and constructions of the substations. They paid special attention to the state of the industrial sewage, cable tunnels and channels, oil containers and oil accumulating containers, sections of power transmission lines and transformer substations, which can be in the flood zone, approved the schemes of their work depending on the level of the spring waters. They carried out the checkups of the condition of the power transmission lines through the rivers of Ruza, Shosha, Voloshnya, Lama and Sestra. They created the stock of the materials, equipment, and special wear necessary for the possible failure and restoration works.

With the operative personnel they carried out unplanned target instruction lessons and failure free trainings directed to the production of the necessary works and shifts in the distribution grids being in the floods area. They carried out the check up of the connection and warning means, state of readiness of the special equipment and transportation of the materials and fixtures to the places of the possible carrying out of the failure and restoration works.

During the period of the active flood, the power engineers of the Western electric grids will carry out the active interaction with the flood committees of the local management bodies.

After the end of the flood, the branch personnel will carry out the check ups of all the objects went through the influence of ice and water to make the decision whether it is necessary to carry out the repair and restoration works or not.