
Open Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company ” takes the active part in the development of infrastructure of the sports in the Moscow Region.

On the eve of its sixtieth anniversary JSC “MOESK” only at the south-west of the Capital finishes the putting into force of the new substation at the south-east of Moscow for the power supply of two sports complexes with the skating rink and pool in Ryazanskiy Avenue.

For the power supply of the given objects, with the help of the contractor organization of Moscow Cable Grids branch of JSC “MOESK” they carried out the works directed to the construction of the transformer substation of 2000 kWa. They installed new and modern equipment as well as laid the distribution cable lines (DKL) of 10 kV capacity. The total length of the lines in 1500 meters.

“Power supply of the given power objects is within the planned realization of JSC “MOESK” investment program. The works are carried out according to the schedule and in full amount. Currently, they completed all the works at the mantling works at the substation. In the near future it is planned to shift the object to the constant power supply scheme,” said Sergey Pavlovich Ulyminm Deputy Head of South-East Administrative District Moscow Cable Grid Administration.

Moscow Cable Grids is the branch of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”.

The main types of activity are the services rendering connected with the electric power transmission to the consumers and the technological connection to the electric grids.

Moscow Cable Grids operate of the cable grids of 0,4-20 kV and 35 kV, of 69 046 km total length and 17 243distribution and transformer substations through which they carry out the electric power transmission for the residential and social buildings, objects of the city economy, power transport, and industrial enterprises of Moscow: from Kremlin to Kurkino and Butovo, including Zelenograd and Shcherbinka.

The total population of the branch personnel accounts for 5 142 persons.