
Only on Monday the beautiful Toyota Prius of the third generation came to Moscow, and on Wednesday was showing off to the photo and video cameras at “Gorenki” substation of JSC “MOESK” Eastern Electric Grids. Such great attention to the car was proved by the fact that Toyota Prius is not only the car of the famous Japan brand, but the prototype of the future electric car, which is able to work with the help of the electric traction (now Toyota Prius works by the hybrid scheme on the internal combustion engine and the electric traction. It explains why the photo shooting was carried out at the back ground of the power station scene. The moving of the electric vehicle or EV is apriori connected with the possibility of the electric charge.

It is natural that the miracle of the engineering thought attracted the attention of the substation personnel. But they examined the new thing not as the potential buyers, but, first of all as the interested partners. JSC “MOESK” which target is to keep pace with the progress has already created the working group which will study the perspectives of the infrastructure creation for the use of the power transport. In future, the company plans to be the leading supplier of the electric power for the chain of the charged substations, which, taking into account the world tendencies, will be opened in Moscow. 
