
Moscow Cable Grids hold the actions intended to coincide with the 66th anniversary of the Great Victory

The trade-union committee of Moscow Cable Grids - the branch of JSC “MOESK”, together with the Social Policy Department, have arranged the fascinating excursions for the pensioners, participants of war and labor front, people, who have devoted many years to the Moscow energy system and were their originators.

The actions started with visits to the Memorial Space Exploration Museum. Here the veterans saw the samples of space equipment, personal things of the people of the space-rocket sector, archival documents, movies and photographic materials. They examined the interactive exhibits including simulators, which are identical to the simulators of the Center of Preparation of Cosmonauts named after Yu.A. Gagarin. In Tiny Flights Control Centre, the veterans of MCG could observe the International Space Station (ISS), the abbreviation of which coincides with the abbreviation of the name of their branch (in Russian), listened to the interesting story by the guide.
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Having received a lot of positive emotions and having learned a lot of new things about the space exploration, the veterans made for the Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Korolev.

The veterans saw the personal things of the academician, library of technical and fiction literature, books with presentation inscriptions by authors, welfare items of the main designer in the museum.
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The excursion day came to an end with the public dinner in one of Moscow restaurants, where the pensioners could share impressions and discuss important themes.

Such actions have become a kind tradition for the whole Company. Moscow United Electric Grid Company takes care of its veterans, people, who went through the heavy years of establishment of the electric power industry of the Moscow Region.
JSC “MOESK” actively implements the comprehensive program of support of pensioners-power specialists thus confirming the status of the socially-focused company.