
On 19 April, Northern Electric Grids – the branch of JSC “MOESK” held the team-headquarters training exercise (THTE) of the Sergievo-Posadsky Electric Grids District. The actions of the emergency services, emergency headquarters and repairs brigades in the event of recovery of electricity supply in the city of Sergiev-Posad and nearby settlements have been trained.

According to the concept of the exercises, a large feeding center supplying electric power to the most part of the city fails. Forest fires and mass falling of trees on power lines have become the reasons of the technological breaks.

The training also included practicing in joint actions of power men and fire-fighting crews in the event of damage of oil breaker of the transformer at the 100 kV substation and liquidation of ignition of 9 tons of oil.

Much attention during performance of THTE has been paid to the issues of the arrangement of cooperation of powermen of JSC “MOESK” with the bodies of municipal authorities, Ministry of Internal Affairs and EMERCOM. Several dispatching groups participated in the training – those of System Operator of UES of Russia, JSC “MOESK” and JSC “RZHD”.

Besides, the actions for liquidation of the threat of an act of terrorism have been trained at one of the Company’s electric grid facilities jointly with the FSS (Federal Security Service of Russia) and medical institutions.

According Alexander Balashov, the representative of the Sergievo-Posadsky District Administration, THTE have been prepared on a good professional basis. The precise on-line communication with all services of the city has been adjusted during the exercises. All the actions aimed to recover electric power supply of the inhabitants of the regional center have been held according to the established technological chain.