
The flood conditions have not affected the steady operation of the electric grid facilities of Moscow United Electric Grid Company.

The maximum level of water was fixed on 14 April in the Luhovitsky District of the Moscow Area in the responsibility zone of Eastern Electric Grids – the branch of JSC “MOESK”. It reached the level of 3.8 m. The flood started to fall on the last week-end and today equals 20 sm.

The level of 6 m is considered to be the critical water level. The previous excess in this value was noted in 1999 – it was 6.8 m. During the long-term measurements, the maximum level of water rise in the reservoirs of the area was reached in 1970 and equaled 8.62 m.

The power specialists of the Moscow United Electric Grid Company started preparation for passage of the period of spring flood beforehand. The implementation of the large-scale action plan on preparation of the energy enterprise for the possible spring surprises of the nature started in February of the current year. The most problem part of the Moscow Area is the southern and eastern directions included in the responsibility zone of Southern and Eastern Electric Grids – the branches of JSC “MOESK”.

According to the preliminary forecasts, the overhead lines (OL) and substations in 10 districts of the Moscow Area: the Kolomensky, Lukhovitsky, Kashirsky, Stupinsky, Serpukhovsky, Serebryano-Producsky, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Pavlovo-Posadsky, Dmitrovsky and Naro-Fominsky Districts may get into the flood zone during the flood of the rivers Moskva, Oka, Klyazma, Osetr, Lopasnya, Smedovka, Pakhra, etc. This is about 30 overhead lines of 35-110 kV located in the flood basins of the rivers Moskva and Oka, and a number of power facilities of distribution electric grids.

This spring, more than 500 facilities of JSC “MOESK” have been included in the zone of possible flood during the flood. According to the forecasts, the height of water rise in the reservoirs of the Moscow Area was expected not to exceed the mid-annual value; nevertheless, the power facilities run the risk of flooding.

The flood zone of Northern Electric Grids may include 12 substations (S) of 35-220 kV, three overhead power lines (OL) of 35-220 kV, 24 OL of 10 kV and 59 transformer centers (TC) of 6-10 kV. The flood zone of Western Electric Grids may include 18 S and 46 OL of 35-220 kV, 32 OL of 10 kV and 42 TC of 6-10 kV. The flood zone of Southern Electric Grids may include 19 S and 84 OL of 35-220 kV, 26 OL of 10 kV, 48 TC of 6-10 kV. The flood zone of Eastern Electric Grids may include 21 S and 24 OL of 35-220 kV, 47 OL of 10 kV, 46 TC of 6-10 kV.

The Central Flood Commission (CFC) headed by Anatoly Chegodaev, Deputy General Director - Technical Director of JSC “MOESK” was established in order to maintain reliable operation and prevention of cases of electric power supply breaks for consumers in the Company. The commission exercises the duties in respect of arrangement of preparation of branches for floods and control over passage of this period. The commission supervises arrangement of interaction with specialized working groups of Moscow and the Moscow Area.

Each branch of the Company also created the flood commissions and developed action plans on preparation for the period of spring snow melting in order to arrange works jointly with CFC.

The Company actively implements the work on provision of reliable work of specialists and operation of technical equipment during the flood. The emergency repairs personnel passed off-schedule target briefing and emergency-prevention trainings in respect of performance of necessary works and dispatching operations in the distribution grids located in the flood zone. Inspection of communication and warning facilities, condition of readiness of special equipment and vehicles was implemented in order to deliver materials and equipment to the places of potential performance of emergency recovery works.

The branches survey substations and power lines included in the zone of possible flooding through both flood waters of the rivers and melt subsoil waters. Monitoring of the condition of PL supports has been arranged, which is located in the basins of the rivers, and the transformer substations subject to flooding. The plan of round-the-clock watch of the management and personnel of the repair brigades equipped with necessary equipment, tools, vehicles and floating crafts for quick elimination of the consequences of probable extreme situations has been drafted. Survey of buildings and structures, viewing wells, cable tunnels, production and storm water drain systems, main and bearing structures of outdoor switchgears is held.

We can say with confidence that the actions held in JSC “MOESK” in respect of preparation for passage of the period of spring flood will allow to ensure reliable supply of electricity to consumers and to minimize time of elimination of possible breaks in the power system of the Moscow Region.