
Moscow United Electric Grid Company will take an active part in the target Program of Planting Trees and Other Green Plants under the name “Distribution Electric Grid Complex is on the Environment Preservation” arranged by IDG Holding, OJSC and aimed at restoration of the natural balance broken as a result of the abnormal natural phenomena of the end of 2010 - the beginning of 2011.

Now the consent in respect of the joint carrying out of the action has been obtained from a lot of administrations of municipal entities of the Moscow Area: city districts of Khimki, Kolomna, city settlement of Voskresensk, Klinsky, Stupnsky, Mozhaisky, Noginsky and other districts. JSC “MOESK” has established close cooperation with the divisions of the Federal Forestry Agency (“Rosleskhoz”) in the region, forest nurseries, where the qualitative planting material will be purchased. Planting of trees in the territories of the municipal entities will be held with active participation of power men, representatives of the Council of Youth and Council of Veterans of JSC “MOESK”, Movement of Young Ecologists of the Moscow Area “Mestnye”.

Let us remind that it is the responsibility zone of MOESK, which hosted the first recovery planting of trees. The action was held in the territory of the State Memorial Estate “Abramtzevo”. The cedar and fir planted on 4 March of the current year under the special technology, on the one hand, replaced two trees, which were lost in the settlement Abramtzevo during the ice storm of January, and on the other hand, became the historical reconstruction of the fir and cedar planted in October of 1876 in Rimskaya Roshcha of the Estate of S.I. Mamontov, the legendary family of the Prakhovs – Emilia Lvovna and Adrian Viktorovich, the first professor of art criticism of the Petersburg University, author of the project of painting the Kiev Vladimir Cathedral (1886-1896).

The following stage of the action in the territory of the Moscow Region will be held on 30 April in the Stupinsky District, where the following actions will be held: planting of 100 maples along Timiryazeva Street (Alley of Cosmonauts), 100 maples in Pobedy Boulevard (Alley of Youth), 50 maples in Turgeneva Lane (Alley of Power Specialists), 20 thujas in Sitne-Shchelkanovo village, near the monument to heroes-fellow countrymen.

Planting of the alley of power specialists also takes place at the end of April in the Mozhaisky District, where MOESK employees will plant 100 trees of various species in the territory of the municipal educational establishment of additional education “Complex Children’s and Youth Sports School”.