
JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" has completed a 'Best Fire Safety' competition between the branches.

All the structural subdivisions of the Company's branches from Moscow and Moscow area took part in the competition, which was aimed at improving fire safety of the technological equipment, buildings, and installations, increasing level of mass agitation, and active involvement of the employees in the activities related to preventing and extinguishing fire.

The competition took place January 18th till February 18th, 2011, with the participation of members of the facility fire safety commissions, heads of services, subdivisions, and members of voluntary fire-fighting units. In the course of the competition, a huge volume of works related to improving fire safety of the technological equipment, production, service, storage, and utility premises was done together with enhancing activities in fire prevention. Keen attention was focused on training personnel of the branches in fire-preventing measures, and actions in case of fire.

The best results have been shown by the teams of Western Electric Grids, High-Voltage Cable Networks, and Moscow Cable Networks. These branches follow within the establish time limits, instructions of the public regulatory authorities, orders of the industrial safety service and technical inspection department, strictly control implementation of fireworks, maintain fire prevention regime, and execute personnel trainings at a high quality level.

When summarizing the results of the competition, the participants were estimated in two categories with the first covered by the electric grid regions (REGs), and the second - by the branch directorate units. The Central Fire Safety Commission decided winners in terms of a complex approach. In the first category, Western Electric Grids scored off while High-Voltage Cable Networks took the second place, and Moscow Cable Networks came into a good third. In the second category, the competition was won by the Property and Building Management Service of Eastern Electric Grids. The second place was confidently earned by the Dispatching Technological Directorate Service at High-Voltage Cable Networks. And, the third result was shown by the Mechanization and Transport Service of the Central Electric Grids branch.

The competition has demonstrated that the fire safety conditions at all the seven branches of JSC "MOESK" are up-to-the-mark, and ensured in full compliance with all the regulatory documents.