
In order to establish efficient feedback between the consumers of JSC "MOESK" services and the top management of the Company, the Internet Reception of the Director General of JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" has been functioning on the Company's official web-site since February, 2009. The customers of the Company have now an opportunity to address the Director General with questions, suggestions on the improvement of the Company's activities, or complaints. For this purpose, it is just necessary to fill in the approved form and send a e-mail on the Internet Reception web-page at www.moesk.ru


Dear visitors of our web-site!

In the course of our joint work, each of you may fill like asking us questions, or sharing your proposals with regard to the ways of improving our mutually beneficent cooperation. It is, unfortunately, not always possible to talk personally to each of you, therefore, I am inviting you to help up a dialogue in our Internet Reception. I will do my best to answer all your questions, as well as examine your proposals and remarks concerning activities of JSC "MOESK".
Sincerely yours, Andrey Konovalov, the Director General of JSC "MOESK"

Since February, 2009, 1,916 messages have addressed the Director General; of which 664 messages came during the first quarter of 2011. 1,882 answers have been compiled to be sent back to the customers of the Company, that makes up 98% of the total number of messages received.

The analysis of emails has demonstrated that the consumers of the Company's services are mainly interested in issues related to the connection to electric grids. This topic was covered by 1,633 messages. Most of them concern issues with regard to the facilities and operations within the service zone of such JSC "MOESK" branches as Southern Electric Grids, and Northern Electric Grids, as well as those issues related to the competence of the Customer Service Center.

In addition to the technological connection, the Internet Reception receives proposals on implementing contractual works, procurement of materials and equipment, messages concerning complete overhaul and progress of the investment programs, questions in power transport, and human resources management.

Let us remind that in May, 2010, the total number of messages addressed the Director General as compared to that in April, increased more than twice. Since then, the number of applications per month has remained at the level of 140 – 150. Since January, 2011, we have been observing further increase in their number. Thus, the Director General received 226 emails in January, 198 in February, and 240 in March. This indicates that the Internet Reception has attracted interest of the Company's customers, being an efficient way of solving customers' urgent issues, and a reliable communication channel between the both sides.