
A branch of JSC “MOESK”, Moscow Cable Networks (MCN), is preparing for the Third integrated competition between operational and repair personnel of the distribution grids.

The competition of professional skills is held by the Company on an annual basis to provide an efficient form of training and educating staff, as well as a wonderful opportunity to exchange experience.

Moscow Cable Grids are represented in the competition by two teams headed by Vasily Vostorgin, the Head of the Cable Network Directorate (CND) of the Moscow’s Eastern Administrative District, and by Anatily Ovchinnikov, the Head of Zelenograd CND. As of today, the composition of the teams is formed.

By an order of Dmitry Aristov, the Deputy Director General, the director of Moscow Cable Networks, the organizational committee for preparation and participation in the competition is created.

In order to successfully pass all 14 stages of the competition, MCN powermen are being actively preparing for to perfect skills of acting in emergency situations such as extinguishing of fire in the package transformer substation. One of the competition stages such as replacement of arc blowout chamber at one pole of the load interrupter, is regularly applied in the course of complete overhaul, and still paid attention to while training.

On the basis of the Personnel Professional Training Center at MCN, participants of the competitions are perfecting their skills in different areas from theoretical training using special-purpose software to the skills of acting in different emergency situations.

The competition is taking place in June 14-24, 2011, at the training ground of Mozhaysk REG of the Western Electric Grids, a branch of JSC “MOESK”.

The main purpose of the competition is to increase level of the staff expertise. Stable and reliable operation of the complete electric grid complex in Moscow and Moscow area depends on their knowledge and competence.

Moscow Cable Networks, a branch of Joint Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”.

Main kinds of activity include rendering services in power transport to consumers and technological connection to electric grids.

The Moscow Cable Networks branch operates электросети 0.4-20 kV and 35 kV electric grids with a total length of 69 426 km, and 17 243 distribution and transformer substations through which power is transferred to dwelling and public buildings, municipal facilities, electrified transport vehicles, industrial enterprises of the whole Moscow from the Kremlin to Kurkino and Butovo, including Zelenograd, and Shcherbinka.

The total number of the branch personnel is 5 142 people.