
Branches of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” have initiated early preparation to the operations under the conditions of storms. In the Moscow region, this season lasts from April 15th to October 15th.

In order to ensure reliable operation in the period of storms, the experts developed a complex of measures aimed at preventing damage of power equipment and deenergization of power consumers.

In order to ensure reliable operation at the branch, High-Voltage Cable Networks (HVCN), in accordance with the schedule, examining terminal boxes at the transition stations was started. The electrical metering and testing equipment of mobile laboratories is prepared for work under the conditions of storms. The emergence reserve equipment and accessories for facilitating emergency response and restoration operations is checked. Additional briefings and trainings of the operation and maintenance personnel are carried out to elaborate sound measures in stormy conditions. The personnel of the Test and Measurement Service is instructed and trained how to identify places of damaged cable lines.

The measures aimed at preparing to the stormy season in 2011are focused on ensuring continuous power supply to consumers and minimizing period of eliminating faults in the electric grids of the Moscow region serviced by the personnel of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”.