

On April 12-14, in the All-Russian Exhibition Centre, the Central Exhibition Hall of the RF Ministry of Power Industry ‘Electrification’ (No. 55) accommodates the 2nd International Exhibition and Conference in Labour Safety and Protection in Power Industry - SAPE 2011. It will be attended by over 300 companies from 40 regions of Russia, Baltics, CIS, and far abroad.

SAPE is the main exhibition event for labour protection in power industry that demonstrates the whole range of modern devices and advanced technologies aimed at improving conditions and increasing industrial and labour safety for powermen. In particular, the topic sectors will be as follows: protective means for employees working at power plants and grids, improvement of labour protection management system, modern methods and means of staff training to safe operation, etc.

At JSC “MOESK”, much attention is always devoted to creation of comfortable and safe labour conditions since these are one of the principal factors influencing efficiency, safety, and health of employees. The experts of the Company will examine this exposition at the exhibition to apply advanced achievements in the field of labour protection.

On the 13th of April, the All-Russian meeting of chief power engineers organized by the RF Ministry of Power Industry will take place within the framework of the conference. The meeting will be attended by the top management of the Russia’s leading power enterprises.