
On April, 30th in anticipation of celebration of the 66th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the power engineers of Moscow United Electric Grid Company, the representatives of the Union of veterans and the Union youth of Southern electric grids – branch of JSC “MOESK” took part in the bedding of trees in rural settlement Sitne-Schelkovo of Stupinsky region near the memorial monument to a Soviet soldier-winner. 30 thujas have appeared near the memorial complex which was constructed in 1966.

The following people took part in the arrangement: veterans of the Great Patriotic War, representatives of the Stupinsky region administration, campaigners “Mestnye”, representatives of Stupinsky iron and steel company and Stupinsky machine-building production enterprise, trade union MATI RGTU after the name of Tsiolkovsky and student group RosNOU, the pupils of Sitne-Schelkovo secondary school.  

A rally took place on occasion of an outstanding event, upon completion of which 25 pupils have become the monument’s keepers, having given a solemn oath to take care of trees bedded today and of the monument devoted to home people-heroes. After the words: “I promise, promise, promise” they let pigeons fly skyward.
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By the words of Chief of Stupinsky municipal region Pavel Chelpan, today’s arrangement organized by MOESK, is very much needed and useful. “The Company’s initiative deserves a serious support”, - emphasized Pavel Chelpan.

Chief of Stupinsky distribution zone Valery Akimov noted that today’s event will help the affair of the patriotic up-bringing of the youth.
