
Today, on the 28th of April of 2011, JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” has declared on the launch of the complex project on electric transport – MOESK-EV.

In terms of the project they plan to establish the completed infrastructure prototype for the usage of different types of electromobiles in the territory of Moscow and Moscow region. Charging infrastructure will include the different capacity charging plants incorporated in the united information network, installed in the responsibility territory of JSC “MOESK” and that of the project’s partners, united means of access and authorization for electromobiles’ drivers and also the monitoring and load management instruments, the load being created by charging plants.

Besides that, JSC “MOESK” plans to acquire several electromobiles of different types for own needs and implement their test operation within half a year in order to reveal the usage peculiarities in conditions of Moscow region.

Project MOESK  ─ EV presupposes the development and testing of native samples of charging plants which in case of positive results will be installed in a high volume in the servicing territory of JSC “MOESK”. The project is meant for nine months and upon its completion the complex development program of the charging infrastructure will be prepared for electric transport.

Project MOESK - EV has a future in the electrical energy industry and transport and combines in itself all the modern development tendencies of these two branches. The beginning goes fully in the development concept of “intelligent grids” (smart grid), which is chosen by the Company as the base of its technological development.

Owing to coming to the new charging infrastructure’s market, JSC “MOESK” plans to increase in a long-term perspective the revenue from additional volumes of electric power transportation, to diversify business and offer its customers several new services. Besides that MOESK, having over 2000 units of different special vehicles in its park, plans to transfer a part of its park to electric transport, in order to save expenses for fuel and the ownership cost of transport facilities and what is so much important – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Saving fuel only can in perspective give the Company up to RUR 40 mln.  per year.

Another important aspect of MOESK - EV project is a proactive position as to the charging infrastructure roll-in, because in case of a chaotic development of this market, the grid complex of Moscow region can face significant difficulties due to the appearance of non-typical and high enough loads on electric grids owing to the mass charging of electromobiles. Even a light electromobile consumes in average from 3,5 to7,2 kWh of electric power in terms of a usual charging and up to 50 kWh in case of a usage of a quick charging technology according to standard CHAdeMO.

MOESK -EV is also destined to popularize mass electric transport in Moscow region, in anticipation of  the beginning of official mass sales of light and commercial electromobiles by the largest Russian enterprises and the world auto concerns which are planned for 2012. 

By the words of Director General of JSC “MOESK” Andrey Konovalov, “The given project implementation will make it possible for the Company to get ready fully to the development of a new mass electric transport market. We won’t only avoid problems connected to unplanned and unmanaged load growth on electric grids but will also get additional revenues owing to the increase of electric power transport and new services. The costs decrease for own transport operation will also make it possible to improve the Company’s operating efficiency”.

Besides that, as Andrey Konovalov noted, MOESK, as a socially responsible Company strives to develop technologies which influence positively on the ecological situation in Moscow region, improving finally the life conditions.

Today in the entire world they realize large-scale projects on the electric transport infrastructure establishment. It’s connected with the fact that world auto concerns have managed to make technologies to the mass sales level and made electromobiles competitive not only as far as the price is concerned but also as to consumer appeals. The further technologies development will result in a gradual displacement of vehicles with internal-combustion engines. So, JSC “MOESK” while realizing MOESK  EV project strives to become one of the leaders of the charging infrastructure market in Russia and to establish its own “know-how” which will make it possible for the Russian power industry to be competitive in comparison with the Western companies and to promote actively to the development of new, high-technology industries.