
Meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC “MOESK” in absentee form took place on May, 06th 2011.

Taking into account achieved results of 2010 (net profit of the Company amounted to RUR bln 15.6, under planned of RUR bln 11.2), the Board of Directors has recommended to General Meeting of Shareholders to distribute profit in the following way:

•    profit for development – RUR bln 14.3,
•    dividends payment – RUR bln 1.2,
•    reserve fund – RUR bln 0.1.
Recommended size of dividend payments has amounted to RUR 0.0246371 to one ordinary share of the Company.

According to resolution of the Board of Directors Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is appointed on June, 20th 2011 in form of compresence. Record date – May, 12th of 2011.

Besides obligatory agenda issues of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders it will be proposed to shareholders to approve the Charter and number of other internal documents of the Company, regulating activity of management bodies, redrafted.

One can get acquainted with materials of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in period from May, 20th 2011 till June, 19th 2011, from 10.00 a.m. till 05.00 p.m., except weekends and holidays, as well as on June, 20th 2011 during the meeting, at the following addresses:

•    bld. 14, 7 Derbenevskaya quay, City of Moscow, 115114, JSC “MOESK”;
•    bld. 1, 32 Novorogozhskaya str., City of Moscow, 109544, CJSC “STATUS”.
And also in section of corporate web-page “For Shareholders and Investors/General Meetings of Shareholders”.

Due to results of Meeting of the Company’s Board of Directors consolidated Program of energy saving and increasing of power efficiency of JSC “MOESK” for period of 2011-2015 was also approved. Target of the Program is reduction of technological losses of electric power during its transmission within own electric grids. It is planned as a result of the Program’s realization:

•    reduction of electric power losses from 11.15% in 2010 to 9.38 in 2015 from volume of grid output;
•    reduction of volume of electric power consumption for economic needs by 1.88 bln kWh;
•    economy of 1.82 bln kWh or RUR bln 7.6 in value terms.
Financing of the Program is supposed to be at the expense of own sources.

One can get more detailed information about Meeting of the Board of Directors dated May, 06th 2011 in section of corporate web-page “For Shareholders and Investors/Decisions of the Board of Directors”.