
According to the Department of electricity transmission of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” for the period from 5th to 11th of May during the audits of consumers 95 acts on unaccounted consumption of electricity in volume of 516.2 thousand kWh are drawn.

In comparison with the previous week there is a decrease in the volume of the identified unaccounted consumption: number of facts fell by almost a third, and the number of identified unaccounted electricity decreased by 81% (by 2.186 million kWh.).

Also following the results of work for the reporting period 82 acts on consumption of electricity without agreement are made up. Its volume amounted to 1.033 million kWh.

The number of acts on consumption of electricity without agreement also reduced by a third, and the volume of electricity consumption without agreement decreased by half (by 1.121 million kWh).

37 acts at 354.8 thousand kWh and to the amount of 1.5 million are paid from all previously drawn.

According to experts such a significant decline in the identified unaccounted consumption and consumption without agreement is the witness of the regular work of the JSC “MOESK” to prevent theft of electricity.