
On 5th of May in honor of the Victory Day in IDGC Holding, OJSC welcome reception was held. The event was attended by Chairmen of the Veteran administration of thirteen subsidiary operating companies and their branches, among them leaders of veterans' organizations of the executive office and the branches of JSC “MOESK” presented. The meeting was attended by members of the Coordinating Veterans administration and the Joint Youth Council of Electricity Distribution industry.


The reception was attended by: Deputy Director General - Chief of Staff of “IDGC Holding”, OJSC Aleksandr Popov, deputy head of the Veterans administration of the RF Ministry of Energy Valeriy Randin, deputy head of public association All-Russian Committee “Elektroprofsoyuz” Yuriy Ofitserov, Chairman of the Coordinating Veterans administration of Electricity Distribution complex Yuriy Zhukov, Chairman of the Joint Youth Council of Electricity Distribution complex Dmitriy Larionov.


Deputy Director General - Chief of Staff of “IDGC Holding”, OJSC Aleksandr Popov congratulated the audience with the upcoming holiday, and said that the leadership of the Holding made ​​a strategic decision, the essence of which is basis on veterans. "Your wisdom and your experiences are the basis of targets achieving, set for Holding. Not to use them - only negligent commander can do it," Aleksandr Popov emphasized.


In conclusion of a reception awards presentation was held from the Veterans administration of the Ministry of Energy and public association All-Russian Committee “Elektroprofsoyuz”.

On the same day in the Central Museum of RF Armed Forces leaders of veterans' organizations of operating companies of IDGC Holding and the Joint Youth Council of Electricity Distribution complex took part in the ceremony of the second phase of the historical and memorial campaign "Relay race of Victory Banner", organized upon an initiative of IDGC Holding in 2010.


Copies of the historic Victory Banner were handed over to the Chairmen of Veterans administration from all branches of IDGC Holding operating companies. The honorary right to award the symbol of Victory has been granted veteran of World War II, Chevalier of the Order of the Great Patriotic War of 2nd degree, the rifleman of battle plane Il-2, a member of the Veterans administration of JSC “MOESK” Vladimir Ivanovich Stepechev.


Patriotic campaign was organized in accordance with Federal law "On the Banner of Victory " (adopted at the plenary session of the State Duma on 25th of April in 2007) in order to perpetuate the national heroism during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, and in gratitude to the winners of fascist invaders.



Victory Banner is a relic of the state of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Federal law "On the Banner of Victory" Victory Banner is 150th assault flag of the Order of Kutuzov 2nd class of “Idritskaya” Infantry Division, hoisted by M.A. Egorov and M.V. Kantariya on the Reichstag building in Berlin.

On 9th of May in 1945 relic was transferred to the headquarters of 150th Regiment, and instead of it another flag was hoisted over the Reichstag. On 20th of June in 1945 Victory Banner on the transport plane was delivered to Moscow and has since been kept in the Central Museum of Armed Forces of the RF Ministry of Defense (building 2, Sovetskaya Army Street, Moscow).

Annual transfer of exact copies of the Victory Banner from Moscow to all hero-cities and towns of Russia, cities near abroad has become a commemorative tradition aimed at preserving the continuity of generations, perpetuating the memory of those who died for freedom and independence of the Motherland.

The inscription on the Banner of Victory, " 150th Rifle, Order of Kutuzov 2nd class, “Idritskaya” Division, 79th Rifle Corps, 3rd Attack Army, 1st Byelorussian Front.”